Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer And Carefree

Hummmmm! Summer time!   If we  can remember to focus on the fact that summers here girls and boys, we have a good chance of having some fun  and turning up the heat with a simple  relaxed attitude and how about some cool fashion choices.  Add some  color, wear all white, wear a scarf for a belt or wrap in your hair.  Touch of Bright lipstick.  Pastel nails and toes. Belted jumpsuits with colorful tees.    I'm excited because summer is here!!!!

Make it a beautiful summer!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Closet Dream

Morning Mates!   Oh! to be so organized with the perfect walk in closet. This  lovely goal can be designed and built and doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Let's dream and draw up the plans!  Take the measure of a nice space in your home or apartment.  Start with a blank sheet of paper and draw that square. Now fill it with your design of cabinetry! Shop around for a good deal!    Save  each week for your new closet!   With discipline, creativity and a goal we can have that pretty room!
Don't use the credit card!  It will mean more if we save!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Exercise To Be Fit

Hello,  Are  you ready for a fun weekend!   Don't forget to  put exercise on the list
for a healthy way to begin your days! Make it a routine. Here's why!

We all know that exercise is good for us, but why, exactly? What does exercise really do for us, for our bodies, for our minds, for our social lives? Physicians at The Methodist Hospital in Houston propose their Top 10 list of reasons to exercise this holiday season.

1. Exercise helps keep your arteries flexible and malleable, which prevents heart disease and heart attacks.

2. If you have metabolic syndrome, losing as little as 6.5 percent of your body weight results in substantial reductions in blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol, all factors that lead to heart disease.

3. Exercise prevents the growth of fat that surrounds the midsection, which is angry, dynamic fat that actively contributes to diabetes and resulting vision loss and limb amputations.

4. Fat around the midsection is also associated withinflammation that leads to damaged blood vessels, heart disease, liver disease and Alzheimer's disease. Exercise helps prevent this.

5. Exercise lifts your mood by increasing serotonin levels in your brain.

6. Exercise can be a social activity, which is associated with higher incidence of general happiness.

7. Strength training improves bone strength and prevents osteoporosis.

8. Strength training and flexibility helps prevent injuries caused by everyday activities like lifting things and hopping over puddles.

9. Participating in team sports like flag football, softball, basketball or sand volleyball enhances hand-eye coordination and improves your reflexes.

10. Exercise tones your muscles and makes you leaner.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Glowing SKIN

Hey Madison beauties!   The work week is here ,hope everyone had a lovely weekend!  Starting off the week with a good skin post! With summer here,its very smart to be careful of the sun rays and exercise great skin care!   Found a good lesson on secrets to great skin.   So, be beautiful and conquer your  week!

6 Secrets to Gorgeous Skin

Yes, some people win the hereditary lottery when it comes to good skin. "Not all skin is created equal," says Paula Bourelly, MD, a dermatology professor at Georgetown University. "You can’t underestimate the value of genetics."
But genes are just the starting point. Beautiful skin is also about good skin care habits practiced day in and day out.
Here are, from top dermatologists, the secrets to stunning skin.

No. 1 and No. 2: Smoking No, Sunscreen Yes

Imagine two people starting out with the same exact DNA. One smoked and sunbathed, the other avoided both. Would that make a difference in the appearance of their skin?
A team of experts led by plastic surgeon Bahman Guyuron, MD, of Case Western Reserve University analyzed photographs of the faces of 186 pairs of identical twins taken at the Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. The twins had also filled out detailed questionnaires about their lives and daily habits.
Those who smoked and spent lots of time outdoors without wearing sunscreen looked years older than the brother or sister who shunned cigarettes and tanning. They had more fine lines, deeper and more plentifulwrinkles, and skin that was more mottled.
Bourelly isn’t surprised. "Many of the things that my patients complain about -- dull, rough skin and uneven skin tone -- are related to chronic sun exposure," she says. "And studies have shown that smoking is associated with premature wrinkling." Her advice:
  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days.
  • Reapply your sunscreen every two to three hours you’re outdoors.  
  • Don't smoke -- for the sake of your overall health as well as your appearance.

No. 3: Consider Retinoids

Retinoids unplug pores, help clear up acne, reduce fine lines, boost collagen production, lighten brown spots and freckles, and improve skin texture. They can even help treat precancerous lesions.
Retinoids are sold by prescription only under names that include Renova, Retin-A, and the generic Tretinoin.
"A retinoid should be the foundation of any topical anti-aging regimen," says dermatologist Paul M. Friedman, MD, co-author of Beautiful Skin Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Better Skin.
He recommends that men and women make a retinoid part of their evening regimen beginning in their 20s.
The downside is that retinoids can cause dryness, flaking, and redness at first.
Starting out slowly by applying a pea-sized amount of retinoid every second or third night can help your skin adjust to the powerful ingredient.
Or consider an over-the-counter cream, gel, or serum containing retinol. This nonprescription version of a retinoid works more gradually and gently but is still effective in rejuvenating your skin.

No. 4: Keep Skincare Simple

Overuse of products is the biggest mistake people make in their skincare regimens, says Jeanie Leddon, MD, PhD, a dermatologist in Boulder, Colo.
"Some patients come in with a grocery bag full of products and wonder why their skin doesn’t look or feel great," Leddon says.
Using a lot of different ingredients can be irritating, and some ingredients cancel out each other's benefits.
For example, the acid in salicylic or glycolic acid breaks down ingredients like retinol, hydroquinone, or vitamin C. "More," Leddon says, "is not necessarily better."
Friedman agrees. He says the products needed for beautiful skin are "a simple cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a retinoid or retinol."
The simpler your skincare regimen, the more likely you are to stick with it.

No. 5: Give Products Time to Work

Changing your products every couple of weeks can also be counterproductive.
Give them a chance, Leddon says. Finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you decide how well it works.
You might, though, want to adjust your beauty regimen seasonally, swapping, say, the oil-free moisturizer you use in the summer for one that’s more emollient during the winter when frigid temperatures and indoor heating can rob your skin of moisture.
The exception: If your skin reacts with swelling, redness, or burning to a new product you’ve tried, stop using it immediately.
If not, Leddon says, finish the entire tube or bottle of a skincare potion before you give up on it.

No. 6: A Balanced Life Leads to Your Best Skin

Campbell says about her traffic-stopping gorgeous skin, "I don’t have a secret."
But then she reveals a host of healthy daily habits:
  • She’s a vegan who starts her day with a mango, blueberry, and spinach smoothie, shuns processed foods and buys organic fruits and vegetables at her local farmers market.
  • She teaches yoga part-time and practices a vigorous form of yoga daily.
  • She also gets seven or more hours of sleep a night.

No. 6: A Balanced Life Leads to Your Best Skin continued...

All these markers of a healthy lifestyle undoubtedly help Campbell keep her skin looking its best.
Regular sleep, Friedman says, optimizes the natural secretion of human growth hormone, which promotes cell turnover and collagen production. And exercise increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin.
Activities like yoga and meditation help keep stress in check, which in turn reduces the release of stress hormones that worsen conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea.
Meditating regularly may even make treatment more effective. In one study, people with psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, scaly skin, listened to meditation tapes while they got ultraviolet light treatments. The results: They healed four times as fast as those who didn't meditate.
The bottom line: The key to gorgeous skin turns out to be a mix of science, common sense, overall good health habits, and a simple stick-to-it skincare regimen. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day!   

Hope you have the opportunity to show some love today and to someone that may be alone without the kids!
Enjoy the day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Gray is Pretty

Hey it's Friday!  Happy happy happy! It is shaping up to be pretty good weekend. New York had a full week of  gray skies. And we need to see the sun . Anyway, Is gray so bad, not really!   When observed against the  beautiful green hue of trees and grass as well as  vibrant colors in  flowers, the  gray sky  becomes a neutral backdrop! I guess we all own a  gray tee shirt and I find it's one of my favorites especially if the cotton is very soft!  Gray when  worn with a vivid skirt or pair of slacks it's just the perfect neutral combination.  Here is the  psychology behind the color gray

Postive words match with gray:  include: reliable, conservative, dignified, neutral, impartial, professional, mature, intelligent, classic, solid, stable, calming, sudued, reserved, elegant, formal and dependable.  And so there you have it!   
Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Color in Summer Fashion

Hello Madison friends!  Senses are uniquely  inspired with spring and summer seasons! Flowers are blooming, and nature is showing us a palette of vivid pastels and deep color that designers take to the runways! So our weekend post is about coloring your world!
My home consists of only  white and the only color is
the hardwood floors.  (Boring right) However,  I love the opportunity to display hints of color with flowers and accessories! The same can be true of fashion.  Last week I found a lovely pair of peach color trousers. The top was just a simple tee shirt in gray!  Have fun with color especially in the coming summers months.  It's your time to experiment with fashion and have a colorful summer!       A wonderful weekend to you! Ciao!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Wear White to Relax

Happy Weekend sweet people!   Are you making  time to relax and possibly do some spring cleaning or gardening. The time for feeling  a soft white shirt and jeans.It brings to mind that nothing will interfere with our  positive thinking, our lists to accomplish our tasks and happy moments to spend  with friends, family and  most of all ourselves. 
I hope your weekend  brings peace!