Friday, September 21, 2012

The Business of Fashion Blogging

 Blog To The Top

1) D E F I N I T I O N  O F  A  F A S H I O N  B L O G G E R

 A fashion blogger reports on specific trends of beautiful clothing, accessories, apparel markets around the world, couture, prĂȘt-a-port, celebrity fashion choices and street trends.  They cover fashion at every level, from famous designers to the new kid on the block.  Many fashion blogs can be categorized as shopping blogs, since “most conversation is shopping advice and recommendations.  This is very
similar  to the content of a fashion magazine.  Some retailer in the fashion  industry have started blogs to promote their own products.  Technorati recently reported an estimated 3 million fashion and shopping blogs.  The company only tracks. approx. 6000  of  those fashion blogs  and has a top ten list.

2) D O  W E  M A K E  M O N E Y
At the beginning of blogging, I believe most  us, strive  to be creative and have a voice. If you have the opportunity to glance at most of the fashion blogs you will be amazed at the high level of photography and content that is available to you from  talented bloggers.
Then we realized, we can't continue to put  a ca zillion hours into blogging unless we start to make an income to cover necessities.  So, that is where monetizing comes into play!  Google Adsense is a great program, As well as amazon affiliates! Your best bet is getting sponsors that may eventually show up at you door if your blog drives high traffic!  Blogging may open up writing and editorial positions with other companies as well as a terrific calling card for a new business you are promoting..   An estimate of approximately a million people are making a successful living from blogging
Blogging for Pleasure and Money - Discover Easy Ways to a Successful Blog and Attracting Traffic

3)  W H E R E  D O  W E  G E T  C O N T E N T
 The wonderful thing about blogging, is that amazing fashion news is everywhere.  We look to the streets, parks, malls, events, traveling, restaurants, and of course the designers and runway shows.  Added to the global fashion report, the internet is a universe of fashion information. 

4) W H O  T A U G H T  U S   T O  B L O G
Blogging may take some practice using the  the tools the web offers, such as,  either,  or Most of us have taught ourselves the techniques or asked for some  help. Computer savvy designers may have an easier time. but for those who feel the need to express themselves through a blog  find the information out there helpful I used to  turn to "you tube", and books on blogging.
Beginning Google BloggerProBlogger: 
Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
Clear Blogging: How People Blogging Are Changing the World and How You Can Join Them

5) W I L L  B L O G G I N G  T U R N  I N T O  S O M E T H I N G  G R E A T!
What most people don't realize is  the  power generated by  unique and creative fashion blogs. For us as designers, we get to release creativity in content and photography each day and for advertisers now spending small fortunes on magazine print ads there will be greater diversity and smart marketing techniques that will create the new business format and save them big spending dollars. Advertising can be created daily without the high cost of print advertising. For the bloggers with high number of followers and traffic it makes sense to advertise on their page.  Don't get me wrong   I truly love combing through beautiful pages of Vogue, Marie Claire, Elle, Bazaar and every home decor magazine out there, but, the fact of the matter is that the internet is too fast and powerful! So while waiting for release of the new Vogue.  Blog designers may have already captured the seasons newest look!  Each magazine already has an on line presence and information is being fed to us at rapid speed. Now more than ever we have the incredible opportunity to be in the playing field..Stay true to yourself and the style you possess for your blog.
Article from Business Week: 

6) H O W  D O  I   G A I N  P O P U LA R I TY
Networking, Networking, Join social on line communities such as bloglovin and Independent fashion bloggers, technorati. Don't forget to link with all your fellow bloggers.  Linking is important to
google ranking!

7) D O E S  I T  G E T  L O N E LY
As I speak for myself.  There is never the opportunity to feel lonely. With all the  networking and projects that need to get done and taking photographs, as well as  the other busy schedules that most of us have.  It does not leave much space for quiet time.  After joining the independent fashion bloggers . It opened up a large  blogger social network.

8)  H O W  D O  W E  C O N T I N U E  T O  B E  C R E A T I V E!
Knowing how to find your blog voice  of who you are as a blog designer is the first step to loving your blog. Do you advise and instruct or are you creating fantasy and sharing the journey. Confident writer has the courage to speak plainly and let their thoughts shine rather than just vocabulary. Just communicate with your style . I

  A  blogger  phenomenon has been happening and it is changing the world  of journalism. It's a new voice  being heard loud and clear!   Where it will take us in the next 5 years may  be very interesting . Although I am not a fortune teller I can feel the enthuisiasm and excitement brewing and if it turns a profit  the growth may be beyond our scope!

10) H O W  D O  Y O U  G E T  S T A R T E D
Gather your thoughts and Ideas! Open up to either blog program!  Wordpress or blogger
I continue to use and found  them to be  a great working tool as well as network vice!
If you can use templates from and are computer savvy you can design your own web page with templates!

 Tips for New Bloggers
1) Let your personality shine through your blog
2)Do not copy from other bloggers !
3)Design your blog  as your vision (do not look for ideas) be original!
4)  Gain as much knowledge on blogging
5) Take computer design classes
6) Travel if you can!
7) Ask yourself if this is for you!
8)  Network and find out about upcoming  events
9) Have business cards made with your blog name and description
10) Love to up wake each day with a new idea!


  1. Thank you for the advice! This is very useful and to the point!

  2. Great advice Carmie! No one said it would be easy but the passion for it makes up for the time you put in



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