Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chanel Paris Show 2015

Kendall Jenner (above) as certainly found her place in the  fashion world!

Hello,  Hope your day is going well!  East coast weathered a light snow blizzard and we escaped without being house bound for too long!

In Paris, Chanel was showing couture!  A magical show that probably left the audience in awe!   Karl Lagerfeld kept his uniform Chanel, however, what made it stand out from all the other previous collections, was the accents. Stunning sheers and bows,pretty pink and green tweeds, Belted full skirts, suits with short jackets. 
Plaid tweeds and shredded threads.  Handsome black and white pieces. I can only imagine the  matching Chanel bag. If I had to pick an outfit it would definitely have to include  the tweed short jacket. 
Karl claimed the show came to him in an electronic flash. "One morning in bed, I saw it in a second." Which certainly beats most people's dyspeptic awakenings. But that is Lagerfeld to a fabulous T. He sees other worlds—and then he makes them. In the case of his new couture show, it was a garden, the kind of garden, perhaps, that the mad inventor Rotwang might have created in Metropolis, one of Lagerfeld's favorite films. There were also echoes of Blade Runner in the sense of a perfectly realized replicant world (and in the makeup, for that matter). Was Lagerfeld perhaps somewhat of a mad scientist, too? "No, I'm a well-trained machine," he fired back. "I know my métier." And that was on effortless display today.

Happy a wonderful day!

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