Monday, January 5, 2015

Flat Stomach Foods

Hello my friends! January of 2015, here so fast!  It's that time  we should discuss diet! Ouch! Need more motivation to get with a program?  Sometimes visuals help!  Here is a link of foods to eat while on you way to skinny!

starts today 2PM

 Below is List of Foods to stay away from while dieting! 

Candy and other sweets offer nothing but calories, and plenty of them. According to Harvard nutritionist Walter Willett, if you want to lose belly fat, the first thing you should eliminate are high-calorie, low-value foods. At 150 empty calories per can, soda pop is a particularly bad form of sweet for diet purposes. For many people, drinking soda is an automatic part of lunch or dinner. By simply replacing this with water or iced tea, you can drop hundreds of calories per week from your diet.

A single fast-food meal often totals more than 2,000 calories, the recommended calorie intake for an entire day. Worse still, fast food is high in bad fats and low in nutrition.
Alcoholic Drink can reduce your risk of heart disease.  However it presents problems. Like sweets, it has a high caloric content with little nutritional benefit.  A single night out can mean taking in thousand of calories!

10 Foods to Avoid for a Flat Belly

Dairy, although a good source of calcium, is also rich in carbohydrates and bad fats. While shedding your belly fat, it's better to get your calcium from leafy green vegetables and other low-calorie options.

Refined Grains

10 Foods to Avoid for a Flat Belly
Refined grains such as white bread give your body a sugar rush just like sweets.
Refined grains are pure carbohydrates, presenting your body with a sugar rush just like eating sweets. The calories from this rush are bad enough, but when the sugar high fades your body starts to feel hungry again. Dr. Mehmet Oz, co-author of "You: The Owner's Manual" recommends eating whole and wild grains, which release their carbs more slowly.

Fruit Juice

10 Foods to Avoid for a Flat Belly
Fruit juice is often high in sugar. Photo Credit Maris Zemgalietis/iStock/Getty Images
Fruit juice is subtle. It can contain many important nutrients, but it's often high in sugar. Morning juice is OK, don't make fruit juice your default beverage.

Snack Foods

Trail mix is very high in calories. 
Snack foods such as chips, trail mix and pretzels are all right in moderation. However, like sweets, they are long on calories and low on nutritional value. For between-meal snacks, personal trainer Bill Phillips recommends vegetable sticks or a piece of fruit.


10 Foods to Avoid for a Flat Belly
A baked potato is loaded with empty calories.

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