House Bound in Snow Storms
List of things to do when the snow keeps you house bound!
1) Listen to Music
2) Organize you closet and drawers
3) Catch up on e-mail's, notes and thank you's
4) Invent something
5) Post on facebook
6) Light a fire if you have a fireplace
7) Read or download a new book to kindle
8) Write down your goals for the next few months
9) Learn a language (" you tube" lessons)
10) Exercise
11) Read up on your Favorite Blogs
12) Take the dog for walk in the snow
13) Watch a pay per view movie
14) Give yourself a facial
15) Watch "Sex in the City" re-runs
16) Make chicken soup
17) Design Stationary
18) Organize old photos
19) Take a nap
Dream About the Amalfi Coast
Small cove with hotel Albergo |
Cove in Amalfi to have lunch Albergo Ristorante La Mere Alfonso |
Balcony in Amalfi Overlooking the Mediterranean